Tag: peppers

Oven Baked Fajitas

Oven Baked Fajitas

Guys, I’ve been trying to get this post out to you for like two weeks. The issue is that some days, coherent words simply escape me. I’ve had about a trillion thoughts and ideas swimming around in my head (haven’t we all?), but none of 

Hot Dogs & Potatoes

Hot Dogs & Potatoes

WOW it’s been a minute, huh guys? I mean, it’s been quite a year… and I’m not gonna lie, things have been pretty heavy over here for the past couple of months (give or take). Thankfully, the Pascarella clan (my mom’s side) firmly operates with 

Black Bean & Sweet Potato Hash

Black Bean & Sweet Potato Hash

Thank goodness for weekends, amiright? In an ideal world, all weekends would consist of three days, with beautiful weather the entire time. Or maybe two days of great weather and one shitty day, so that we can be productive and not feel bad about being