Tag: main dish

Shawarma Chicken Hummus Bowls

Shawarma Chicken Hummus Bowls

Okay, so Peter has been asking me —  begging me, really — to post this recipe for months. MONTHS, you guys. If that alone doesn’t tell you what a freakin’ winner it is, I’m not sure what else I need to do to convince you. 

Oven Baked Fajitas

Oven Baked Fajitas

Guys, I’ve been trying to get this post out to you for like two weeks. The issue is that some days, coherent words simply escape me. I’ve had about a trillion thoughts and ideas swimming around in my head (haven’t we all?), but none of 

Sweet Potato Curry

Sweet Potato Curry

HELLO and welcome to week number seventy-five of the #coronavirusquarantine, my friends! Okay, I’m being dramatic. It’s like week four… or something. I know there are a million memes about this, but March really was the longest month in creation, amiright? and I legitimately have 

Chicken Tinga Tacos

Chicken Tinga Tacos

It’s that time of year again, my friends… Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner!! Yes, I realize that no one in Mexico cares about Cinco de Mayo even a fraction as much as the entirety of #basicwhiteamerica (is that racist against my own 

Hot Dogs & Potatoes

Hot Dogs & Potatoes

WOW it’s been a minute, huh guys? I mean, it’s been quite a year… and I’m not gonna lie, things have been pretty heavy over here for the past couple of months (give or take). Thankfully, the Pascarella clan (my mom’s side) firmly operates with 

Pesto Pasta Salad

Pesto Pasta Salad

Who’s up for a trip to Trader Joe’s this week?! Trader Joe’s… aka my favorite grocery store of all time. They just have EVERYTHING — everyday staples, fresh fruits & veggies, organic & grass-fed meat, booze, etc. Plus, they’re always coming out with tons of 

Twice Baked BBQ Chicken Sweet Potatoes

Twice Baked BBQ Chicken Sweet Potatoes

Things I learned this week: I can eat the same thing for dinner four nights in a row and not get sick of it. Is that some sort of special talent? Do I win a prize? If so, I’ll take a giant, gooey GF chocolate 

Twice Baked Acorn Squash with Sausage and Apple

Twice Baked Acorn Squash with Sausage and Apple

anddddd just like that, our heat is on for the season. I mean, I’m pretty sure it was seventy degrees just a week ago or something, right? But then last week it was so cold that we had to bust out our winter jackets and