Tag: dairy free

Shawarma Chicken Hummus Bowls

Shawarma Chicken Hummus Bowls

Okay, so Peter has been asking me —  begging me, really — to post this recipe for months. MONTHS, you guys. If that alone doesn’t tell you what a freakin’ winner it is, I’m not sure what else I need to do to convince you. 

Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. My childhood, in cookie form. We all know that I suck at choosing favorites, right? Well, I think I can confidently say that these are my FAVORITE homemade cookies of all time. You guys, this is a big deal. You 

Tahini Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Tahini Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

​In my opinion, banana bread is the ultimate comfort food. and given the current state of the world, I think we all could use a little more comfort in our lives. Don’t you agree? It’s been… a week, you guys. A long, exhausting, emotional week 

Oven Baked Fajitas

Oven Baked Fajitas

Guys, I’ve been trying to get this post out to you for like two weeks. The issue is that some days, coherent words simply escape me. I’ve had about a trillion thoughts and ideas swimming around in my head (haven’t we all?), but none of 

Maple Pecan Granola

Maple Pecan Granola

I don’t know about you guys, but my eating schedule has been alllllll over the map lately. I’m a creature of habit when it comes to food, in case you weren’t already aware. I eat like a hobbit — often. and kind of like a 

Sweet Potato Curry

Sweet Potato Curry

HELLO and welcome to week number seventy-five of the #coronavirusquarantine, my friends! Okay, I’m being dramatic. It’s like week four… or something. I know there are a million memes about this, but March really was the longest month in creation, amiright? and I legitimately have 

Banana Almond Chocolate Chip Muffins

Banana Almond Chocolate Chip Muffins

Quarantine day #14, and here we are. Or is it day #15? I’ve lost track at this point. All I know is that today is Monday, and apparently the Sunday scaries still exist even when working from home. Am I the only one?! But you know 

My Favorite Chili

My Favorite Chili

What better a time to share my favorite chili recipe with you than in the midst of a worldwide pandemic?! I mean, I could think of a dozen other situations in which I’d rather share this recipe, but you gotta work with what you’ve got,