Tag: clean eating

Sweet Potato Almond Butter Smoothie Bowl

Sweet Potato Almond Butter Smoothie Bowl

True to form, I was late to the smoothie bowl party. Which in itself is actually sort of surprising, since I have a sweet tooth like no other and smoothie bowls are inherently right up my donut-lined, chocolate-lovin’ alley. I’ve never been one to crave 

Cashew Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cashew Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Andddd just like that, six months have passed. Is this how it’s gonna be, you guys? Days, weeks, months fly by without even realizing it?! In case you haven’t noticed (I’m sure you haven’t), it’s been like six months since I’ve posted anything in this 

Gingerbread Maple Chocolate Chip Muffins

Gingerbread Maple Chocolate Chip Muffins

Hellooooo from the muffin (wo)man! (yes, I know I used that joke a few weeks ago. and yes, I’m still laughing about it)   Really though. I’m not joking when I tell you that I’ve been churning out muffins like it’s nobody’s business lately. I mean, we’ve 

Quinoa Almond Pancakes

Quinoa Almond Pancakes

I don’t know about you guys, but I love breakfast. (apparently I also love instagramming my breakfast…) And I’m not just talking love, love. I LOVE, love breakfast. In fact, I’ve been known to have not one, but two –  sometimes even three! – breakfasts 

Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette

Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette

Happy Autumnal Equinox, friends! Remember that time the whole summer flew by in like a minute and then fall snuck in and reared its delicious, pumpkin-flavored head? Oh hi, that happened. But for real, how is it September 23 already?! The world may never know. 

Cherry Crumble Bars

Cherry Crumble Bars

I firmly believe that everyone should attempt to pit cherries by hand at some point during their lifetime. You know, like a bucket list item. Then, after you’ve butchered 5 or 6 cherries, semi-permanently stained your fingers and the surrounding countertop/cabinets/floor/everywhere, and nearly sliced off 

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut Macaroons

Better late then never… right? I get a big, fat, giant FAIL for the last month’s worth of blogging – or lack thereof. First, there were some major WordPress issues that I sat on for a few weeks; then tax season came on strong and 

Peach Cardamom Crumble

Peach Cardamom Crumble

So I’m torn. We’ve reached that point in the year where Labor Day has come and gone, yet summer isn’t officially over [helloooooo, 90 degrees + humidity]. Do I embrace fall in all its glory or try to hang onto the last few strands of