Coconut Gin & Tonic (+ four year blogiversary!)

Coconut Gin & Tonic (+ four year blogiversary!)

Serious question, you guys. Where THE ACTUAL FK does the time go?! Preeeeetty sure it was just 2016 like yesterday, no? UGH. That said, I’ve come to the conclusion that sometimes being an adult sucks. Oh, come on. You know what I’m talking about — ADULTING. 

Blood Orange & Bourbon Cocktail

Blood Orange & Bourbon Cocktail

Soooo my vitamin C intake has skyrocketed over the past week or so. Yup, pretty sure I’ve been averaging 4000% of the suggested daily intake. What’s my secret, you ask? Oh you know, the usual – gallons of OJ and grapefruit juice, guava-kiwi smoothies, and 

Skinny Margarita

Skinny Margarita

Once May 5th arrives, it’s game over. Cinco de Mayo marks the start of my round-the-clock, insatiable Mexican food cravings – which last until Labor Day (and not a day later, because then I’m all ‘hellooooo pumpkin’). margs + guac + endless servings of chips &